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Family Witnesses to Christ

We believe that every family has the power to make a difference, and it all begins with a shared mission: Make disciples for Christ.

As an apostolate from the Lay Association of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT), our journey is about more than just service; it's about bringing families to encounters with Christ that build connections that equip them to share the Faith with others too. 

Deacon Ken Dawson and Christine Dawson

What We Stand For

At SOLT Family Mission Experience, we stand for the transformative power of the imitation of Mary in her loving relationships with the three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity. Our mission is to create an experience where families of all sizes and backgrounds can become disciples of Jesus through the service to those in deepest apostolic need. Through adaptable, shorter,  and more affordable experiences, we aim to bring the joy of service to every heart that seeks to make a difference.

Mary and Jesus
Family Portrait

 It’s not simply a program. This Christ’s model of face-to-face evangelization. Born from your domestic Church and supported by a community of disciples who are both faithful to the Church and equipped with the practical skills to share their faith with others.  Join us as we write a story of love, service, and faith, one that leaves an indelible mark on your family's journey and the communities we touch. Take the first step in becoming a part of something greater than ourselves, where every action becomes a testament to the power of togetherness.

Live Mission Together

When my husband, Ken, first felt the call to mission life, I was initially reluctant. With seven kids, Ken's own company, bills, and my mother living with us, the idea seemed overwhelming. My reluctance was profound – I couldn't imagine embarking on such a journey.


However, as we prayed together, I gradually opened my mind to the possibility. If God was calling us, I believed He would guide us into mission life. Over time, my heart softened, and I became ready to say yes to God.


In 2009, we reached out to Fr. Dale Craig, then the General Lay Servant of SOLT. He invited us to a month-long mission experience at the SOLT headquarters in South Texas. The prospect of moving our family for a month was daunting, filled with uncertainties. We questioned how our young children and we as a couple would adapt, and what experiences awaited us.


Despite these fears, we decided to place our trust in Our Lady and immerse ourselves in the mission experience.


That month, we engaged in a range of activities: sidewalk counseling outside abortion clinics, helping in the thrift store, visiting the sick, playing games with nursing home residents, assisting in setting up Mass for them, and evangelizing through door-to-door visits and praying the rosary, often in Spanish. This experience, shared with our children, ranging from 18 months to 17 years old, was transformative and brought us closer as a family.


After returning home, we were affirmed in our calling but unable to relocate due to the challenges of accommodating a large family in the SOLT missions. We welcomed our eighth child, and Ken spent the next 15 years in administrative roles within SOLT.


Fast forward to today, our call to mission remains, but it has evolved. God has inspired us to support families experiencing similar calls to mission. We now serve those exploring or discerning a mission calling, but unable to commit full-time. This new path reflects our continuous journey in faith and service. I am honored to serve alongside my husband Ken and shepherd these families as they discover their own unique mission experiences. Together, we guide them on a path of service and faith, echoing our own journey and enriching the lives of all those involved in this blessed mission.

Our Story

Deacon Ken Dawson blessing Catholic children
Deacon Ken Dawson and family
SOLT leaders
Brady family visiting Belize Mayan ruins
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