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Family Kayaking

Is God Calling Your Family to Mission?

Image by Isabella Fischer
Prayer Group
Family Praying

Discernment Prayer for Families

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, We come before You as a family, seeking Your wisdom and guidance. You are the source of all life and love. As we discern Your call for us, grant us the grace to hear Your voice clearly and the courage to follow Your will.

Jesus Christ, Our Savior, You called Your disciples to leave everything and follow You. We ask for the same faith and trust to respond to Your call. Help us to listen and understand. Your call may lead us to unexpected places and new experiences, but always with the promise of Your presence and guidance. Teach us to embrace our vulnerabilities and shortcomings, knowing that in You, we find our strength.

Holy Spirit, You are the divine breath that moves within us. Illuminate our hearts and minds as we seek to discern Your will. Fill us with Your wisdom, peace, and joy. Empower us to be instruments of Your love and service in the world. Guide our conversations, decisions, and actions as we prayerfully consider this mission opportunity.

Most Holy Trinity, We place our trust in You. Help us to be open to Your call, even if it challenges us to step out of our comfort zones. May we always be willing to serve You and others, knowing that through our service, we grow closer to You and to one another.

Grant us the grace to say 'yes' to Your call, with faith, hope, and love.

In the unity of the Holy Trinity, we pray.


Blessed Mother, we ask for your intercession for our discernment as we pray - Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for us!


Family Discernment Prayer

Prayer is a vital part of discernment and evangelization, allowing us to stay attuned to the movements of the Holy Spirit. Root this whole journey in prayer with the family discernment prayer.

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